Sunday, April 18, 2010


A little over a year ago I started Weight Watchers with one goal in mind. Lose Weight. That's it. Plain and simple. And lose I did. I dropped 20lbs with relative ease. Then I stalled. With 35lbs being my ultimate goal I stopped loosing. I became fairly apathetic and frustrated about the whole thing. I was cocky. Over the holidays I gained 6lbs back and then in January I had a relaization.

I wanted to do more then lose weight. I wanted to be healthy. I wanted to learn how to cook and wanted to exercise with ease. (and I wanted to shed those last 15lbs.) So this is sort of my accountability blog. I don't know if anyone's reading, but I hope you're entertained if you are.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Michelle I'm Michelle too :)
    and I just started my blog not to long ago. I'm actually having a hard time building momentum but your blog name captured my interest because well a)my name is michelle and b) 500 days of summer is like my fave movie. So I read on.... and this post totally jumped out at me. A couple weeks ago I was considering weight watchers and it hit me I'm not in this for quick results I want to be healthy and keep my body moving...and like my blog is titled learn to cook and LOVE it :)
